He "sent leanness into their soul"


Psalm 106:15 

Our country is in trouble!  You want me to list some of the signals that we are on the verge of a major collapse? 

Crumbling housing market*, record foreclosures, massive national and personal debt, high unemployment, jobs moving overseas, moral and spiritual bankruptcy, civil unrest and rioting in the streets of our cities, and a church that is sadly asleep with our head in the sand, hoping it will all just go away. 

Why might we be experiencing a “leanness of soul” in our nation?  The answer just may be found in verse 13 of Psalm 106, “They soon forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel:” 

We are becoming less and less aware of the sovereign power of Almighty God!  We won’t acknowledge Him in American government and we won’t seek His counsel.  The first half of verse 15 says, “…he gave them their request.” Like it or not, we are reaping what we’ve sown. Until we get back to God, back to the Bible, back to prayer and humility, we are more likely to see the death of a once great nation called America!  Socialism doesn’t work. Communism doesn’t work. Atheism doesn’t work. More entitlements won’t turn America around. 

We need revival in the land my friend! 

*This content was written at a different time but the spiritual concepts were worth repeating so we posted it.

The Pastor's Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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