Finish the Course


Satan hates finishers!

He loves quitters however. This is why we must determine to be faithful believers and complete the things God calls us to do. If the devil can discourage us and influence us to give up on the things God has assigned us to do, the tasks will go unfinished.

Consider this; Jesus was a finisher (John 19:30, 17:4, Hebrews 12:2). The Apostle Paul was a finisher (2 Timothy 4:7). These examples encourage us and help us realize that even though the temptation to quit on God is always there, we can complete the tasks that the Lord has given us.

No matter where you are in your Christian journey; near the beginning of your walk with God, near the end, or somewhere in the middle; determine to be a finisher! Work hard, run well, and never, ever, ever, ever give up.

The Pastor’s Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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