Continue in the Fellowship


Someone once wisely said, “no man is an island unto himself”.

The truth is we need each other. We need our family and friends, and we need the Lord most of all. Without Him we are nothing (John 15:5b). God designed us to be social creatures. After God made Adam, He said “it is not good that the man should be alone...” (Genesis 2:18). So, God created a helpmeet for Adam – Eve – who became his companion, his helper, his encourager, his wife, and the mother of his children. Keep reading the story and you will find the word “beget” over and over and over again. God filled the earth with people!

Whatever you are facing today, don’t try going it alone. Swallow a little pride and reach out to others to help you bear your burdens and cares. If you look around you, you will find a lot of folks to help you along your journey. This is one reason the local church is so valuable to a believer. A church is a family! Brothers and sisters, pastors, teachers, administrators, talented, gifted people God placed all around you.

Quit trying to be an “island” and instead be a continent filled with others to lean on and learn form. The great Apostle Paul rejoiced over the many friends from churches who reached out to him in his need (Philippians 4:16). He helped others also. Try to interact with someone today. God just may connect you with a friend...again.

The Potter's Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman


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