Let Downs


You can appreciate your relationship with God more, when other relationships let you down (Job 19:13,19,25).

The story of Job is fairly familiar to most who have read the Bible.  In one day, Job suffered more loss than a lot of us will ever experience in a lifetime.  He lost his livelihood, his children, his health, his possessions, his house and even his friends turned against him.  It was hard for Job to understand or to make sense of it all.

Job came to the point when there was not one arm of the flesh left on which he could lean.  Everyone he knew turned against him.

If you live a dedicated, godly life, you’re going to be deserted by someone sooner or later, but God will never desert you (Hebrews 13:5b).  When God is all you have, you will discover He is all you really need to press on!

Notice Job’s words in verse 25 of chapter 19.  “for I know that my Redeemer liveth…”  It’s interesting to note that it was after Job had experienced the failure of earthly kinships; that the realization of his Redeemer’s faithfulness fell upon his desolate soul.  He could appreciate his relationship with God more, now that all his other relationships had let him down.

Who is it in your life that has let you down or disappointed you?  Remember this; God is faithful.  He is the One you can always count on to “be there” for you!

The Pastor’s Pocket

Written by: Pastor Bruce Freeman


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