Grace to Rise and Shine


In II Corinthians 9:8 and 12:9 we read where Paul’s life was a demonstration of the grace of God.  The Lord transformed this self-righteous, religious Jew into a bulwark for the gospel of Jesus Christ, but before his salvation experience on his way to Damascus one day (Acts 9), Paul persecuted the church, opposed the church and considered himself
right in doing so. 

But God showed him mercy and soon Paul began to understand that being a Christian was tied to the marvelous grace of God.  He then went everywhere preaching to anyone who would listen, “by grace are ye saved…” (Ephesians 2:8).  He bore witness to the grace of God and began to learn day by day that God’s grace, kindness, and favor was indeed sufficient for every situation. 

I declare unto you my friend that the grace of God is indeed an “all-sufficient grace”.  It is sufficient for; (1) The would-be Christian.  The lost sinner seeking salvation and forgiveness will discover God’s grace is available to all who repent and believe.  (2) The young Christian. Young believers in the infancy stage of their spiritual journey will find sufficient grace for all of their mistakes and blunders.  (3) The working Christian.  Those who are busy for the Master will find God’s supernatural strength to continue their labors.  (4) The struggling Christian.  Yes, Christians do struggle with problems, trials and the pressures of life, but God will always supply grace to endure.  (5) The tempted Christian.  Victory over temptation is provided by the grace of God – every time! (6) The suffering Christian.  Whether it be from sickness, adversity or persecution, God’s grace will help them persevere.  (7) The backslidden Christian.  Every prodigal, every Peter, will find mercy and grace from a loving Heavenly Father. (8) The dying Christian.  “Yea, though I walk through the valley of death”, when it comes time to depart this life, it will be the grace of God that will help them cross over to that heavenly shore. 

You see, God’s all-sufficient grace is available for whatever we face, so press on brethren, walk in His favor and trust His promise, “I will never leave you”.

The Pastor's Pocket
Pastor Bruce Freeman 


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