All things are become new!

Romans 6:46 says, “…even so, we should walk in the newness of life.”  It’s springtime!  Look around you and you’ll see new life everywhere*.  New buds on the trees, new blades of grass, new flowers, even new weeds!  Birds have “little ones” to feed.  There are new calves, new little rabbits and new little skunks. Spring season reminds us all of the “new life” we have in Christ. 

In Romans 6 Paul mentions, “that as Christ was raised up from the dead…” Because Jesus sprung forth from the grave, we have a Savior!  All of us, any of us, can break forth from the tomb of spiritual death and be raised up to enjoy the “newness of life”. 

I think back to John chapter 11 when Jesus raised Lazarus from death.  A man, four days in the tomb, and yet Jesus called him out!  “Lazarus come forth”, Jesus said. And Lazarus “came forth…” What a picture of our salvation. 

You see, we were once in the tomb of spiritual death.  Then Jesus called our name!  Some of us He called more than one time.  I’m so glad He called my name.  Do you remember when He called you forth?  You responded to that call and today you know the pardon of sin and sweet peace that comes from knowing Christ as Savior and Lord.  Now, you can walk in the newness of life.  You have new life – a good life – a life as a child of God. 

Don’t let this spring season go by without noticing all of the new life around you, and don’t let it go by without rejoicing in your new life in Christ. 

Have you heard Him call your name? What was your response? 
*We have a Filipino Missionary in training who is helping prepare these devotions for posting. Since many of them have been written beforehand, we apologize that we didn't catch this out of season reference before it was published. :)

Pastor Bruce Freeman 


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